Christmas is Coming Quickly

Well,Christmas is quickly approaching. It is just around the corner, and yet there are still so many things still to do We still have baking and shopping to do. And we still do not have our Christmas tree. We have our artifical one set up downstairs, but our real one has not yet been bought. The tempertures are very wierd around here. Last month, we didn’t have any snow. We now have snow, but now it may melt, because it is about to warm up again. We had broken lots of record temps in November, with highs as high as 12 or 13. I live in Canada, where it can get really cold. It was -25 C today, with a wind chill of -35 C. I didn’t dare to go outside today.

I am a very smart kid. did you know that I got straight A’s in my report card. I was so proud of myself as this has never happened before.

My mom is constantly quilting. She’s even made a few Christmas projects. She’s made many quilts, including two for me.

I really haven’t been listening to Adventures in oDyssey on-line recently, because I haven’t seemed to find the time. I should get into the habit of listening to it every day I play on the computer, being he first thing I do. I should have it as my background sound when I’m racing. That would work very well.

Well, I hope we get our Christmas tree really soon. We have so many presens to put under the tree before Christmas day arrives. I’d also like to remind everyone what Christmas is really about. Christmas is all about Christ coming to this earth. It is the celbration of his birthday. And the reason he came to this earth was to die for our sins, so that we could spend eternal life with him.

I will try to send you pictues of this Christmas season in Canada.

Remember to check out the web-page at

Well, Merry Christmas
Matt Schlosser

Have a happy New Year too!