Subject: Services
Our class at school is doing an assignment on volunterring. During next week, we will be doing,
(in groups) what we said we’d do/ My group is oraganizing a soccer game from 1 hr after school
for the Gr. 4’s from Mon. – Thurs. Many other groups are doing other things.
Walk the Dogs Tuesday and Thursday
Play Games at Recess, Lunch or after school with Primary Grades
National (Canada) Volunteer Week was April 18-22/05 That is why the teacher made us do this
assignment. We have not started any of these services yet. I’ll let you know when we do. We
have benn split into six groups, so I’ll also let you know what everyone else is doing. Here are
some things I know
Mini-Monopoly Game – Gr.1 & 2
Obstacle Course – Gr. 3
Walk the Dogs Tues. – Thurs.
Soccer – Gr. 4
Matthew S.
Age 13. B.C.