Hi Everyone, 🙂
Last weekend, the long weekend in fact, we went to the Peace Country Gospel Jamboree near Beaverlodge, Alta. My family and I had a great time listen to the country (and bluegrass) music. The very last performers were Ricky Skaggs and his band. But it was disappointing that at the beginning of Ricky Skaggs one and a half hour performance, it started to rain. (Ricky Skaggs asked “How come every time I come to Canada, it wants to rain?”) Most people stayed for the Ricky’s performance. George Canyon also was their (performing 3 times for about 50 minutes each time) and people say that more people may have come to see George Canyon than Ricky Skaggs. Most people there may have been Mennonites (my relatives being some). Tim Lovelace, a musician/comedian (christian of course) was also there, but his wife couldn’t be there due to the recent birth of their child. We bought one of his DVDs and the boys have just enjoyed watching it.
Also today, since Telus/Telecommunications Workers Union is on strike, Bell is flying a blimp like air craft advertising their phone company. I took some pictures, and they will be posted in a few days, so check back for updates. My cousin’s (TELUS) phone broke down and it hasn’t gotten repaired yet, probably due to the TELUS Strike. The blimp is still out there somewhere. It was first spotted (by us) around 11:30, and is still flying after about 3 hours of flying. Remember that pictures are coming soon.
We had plans to go camping after the jamboree. Andrew was not feeling to well the day we were going to go. We decided to go home instead. The following day after we came home, I got a headache. And if we had gone camping, we would have missed that Bell Blimp flying around town. I hope we go camping another time instead.