Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hazards to Life and Limb

These things pose the same health risk in time of decreasing your life expectancy by the same amount
– One X-ray (in a good hospital)
– Smoking 1.4 cigarettes
– Living 2 months with a smoker
– Eating 100 barbecued steaks
– Eating 40 tablespoons of peanut butter
– Traveling 1000 miles by air
– Traveling 150 miles by car
– Living 150 years beside a nuclear power plant
– Working 3 hours in a coal mine
– Rock climbing for 1.5 minutes


So Christmas is less than a month away. There’s so much to do, like Christmas shopping and decorating etc. We just bought a tree yesterday so today we are going to set it up and decorate it.

There doesn’t seem to be much snow falling these days. It’s quire weird weather we have been having. It’s warm one day, and cold the next, which creates lots of ice on the roads, with no snow to cover it.

ChillingChimp’s next video, "Weight-Loss Shampoo" will soon be in the making an hopefully on YouTube in the next month or so. In the meantime, go to and watch the videos we have already made.

Anyway, I have to go eat lunch.

end of school

School is coming to a close for another year. Exams are coming up. I have two provincial exams this semester, a science and a math. It seems like this year has gone by so fast. I can hardly wait for the year to end and summer to begin. Camping, sleeping in and long bike rides are only a few days away. Although sometimes, it seems that the summer can go by so quickly. School will begin once more, and the cycle will start all over again. For me, I can’t believe that I only have two more years of school left.